
Out of Infernomás información

Detalles de la película | Out of Inferno

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Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 47 minutos
1 horas 47 minutos
China ContinentalAcciónPolicías y bandidosDramaAventuras


A serious fire incident happens to a busy commercial tower. Inside the building, Keung, who worked as firefighters, quickly organizes an evacuation. But the fire spreads quickly to all corners of the building. Meanwhile, Tai-kwan, who worked with Keung before, is the captain of the Fire Brigade. And his wife is seeing a gynaecologist in the building. Tai-kwan sends in his unit to fight the fire immediately after he receives the alert. The unprecedented disaster reconnects Tai-kwan and Keung, who’d became estranged from each other for years.

Out of Infernomás información

Detalles de la película | Out of Inferno

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 47 minutos
1 horas 47 minutos
China ContinentalAcciónPolicías y bandidosDramaAventuras


A serious fire incident happens to a busy commercial tower. Inside the building, Keung, who worked as firefighters, quickly organizes an evacuation. But the fire spreads quickly to all corners of the building. Meanwhile, Tai-kwan, who worked with Keung before, is the captain of the Fire Brigade. And his wife is seeing a gynaecologist in the building. Tai-kwan sends in his unit to fight the fire immediately after he receives the alert. The unprecedented disaster reconnects Tai-kwan and Keung, who’d became estranged from each other for years.
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